RE: [Epic] Tactic Critique

From: James Nugent <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 07:20:27 -0400

Oh, sure, just put a negative spin on everything :). The hydra is,
ly, a better dedicated AA platform. However, the hydra can
double as a 45 =
cm pop-up-choose-any-target tank killer. This means
you can move it on the=
 board 20-30 cm (or more), put it on "!" orders
the next turn, and if no ta=
rgets present themselves, you can snipe
enemy units on the other half of th=
e board. Try doing that with
with a hydra. They cost the same as a land-r=
aider and are more
versatile. If I had access to them (what's an AT shot?)=
, I would
field them as tank killers and use their Flak ability as a bonus.=

[----->] True, although there is a pretty big diffrence in cos=
t between a Hydra and Firstorm also. A Firestorm cost as much as a LandRaid=
er for less armour and armament. It's a bit expensive to use as a tank kill=
er. I get support platforms.

>Actually, as an Imperial player, you have th=
ese also. I think they
>are also called support weapons.
>Same stats, cost =
2 pts less.

There you go with them negative vibes again.

[----->]What do =
you mean neagative vibes (-vibes :) Just pointing something out.
Never used=
 them, but they look pretty good.

That might be a difference in tactics=
. If you're willing to send in a
sacrificial lamb (or two) to range the en=
emy (keep inching him until
he gets clobbered with snap-fire, now you know=
 how far out 10 cm is :),
you could get your detatchment in gunnery range. =
 Once in range,
the bikes are just as shooty as heavyweapons, falcons, or p=
and cheaper. You use your high strategy rating to hopefully get =
the first shot, and shoot your bikes before they get punished.

] Actually, I've always wanted to try this with guardians and
 Wraithguard to use as the sacrificaial one, since they probably won't die =
to snap fire. Have you tried this marine bikes/speeders. Sounds iffy though=
. Also you'd be in a firefight after the shooting phase. Strikes me as you =
HAVE to shoot first, or die.
"Your inc=
orrect assumptions are threefold."
"You assume law still reigns in the Five=
"You assume that we would be bound by precedents and precepts fr=
om the last 10 million years."
"But your most incorrect assumption of all i=
s to assume that we care."
                                        -David Brin, Infinity's Shore
------------------------------------------James Nugent---------------------=

Received on Fri Jul 25 1997 - 11:20:27 UTC

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