RE: [Epic] scenarios

From: James Nugent <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 12:41:43 -0400

It's hard to tell. I, personally, prefer more restricted OBs, since
I enjoy "making due" with restricted lists, but I'm probobly in the
minority on this. I also agree that it will make it more difficult
for others to play, since they may not have the correct units.

I think the best compromise is to restrict the options just as much
as is required to give the proper "feel" to the scenario. Thus you
might want to restrict the number of vehicles a player can take or
require a player to field X number of points worth of WEs.

[----->] I think there are advantages both ways. Giving set army lists
give a more 'historical' feel. (I know, I know, it sounds silly). It gives
more of an impression of a real battle rather than certian scenario that
can occure(does anyone understand what I'm trying to say here?). Giving a
restricted army list is good, but it just gives feel of a type of battle
that can happen. It's nice to play both ways some times. Although with the
set army lists you do run into avalabilty problems, like someone has
"Your incorrect assumptions are threefold."
"You assume law still reigns in the Five Galaxies"
"You assume that we would be bound by precedents and precepts from the last
10 million years."
"But your most incorrect assumption of all is to assume that we care."
                                        -David Brin, Infinity's Shore

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Received on Mon Jul 28 1997 - 16:41:43 UTC

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