Re: [NetEpic ML] Re: Netepic Background

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2001 20:54:02 -0500


I remember this too. The Terra system was particularly hit but the warp
storms, being entirely cutoff. There were many factions battling for
dominance. One faction was led by the Emperor this is where the ideas of
Space Marines were gestated. Titan's were a Mars invention, so its highly
likely Earth forces were more "Ogre-like" prior to the Crusades.
Unfortunately after a long time of civil war the technology degraded so Ogre
technology was lost. While the Emperor is very old very wise it doesn't
necessarily mean he knows all this technology, why else would the search for
STC's be so crucial?

That would be an interesting scenario, fighting over a planet with an
uncovered STC- to make OGRE's!


> The ogre stuff I would use for an "ancient" army list for Humans (not
> necessarily Imperial). Thinking about the Emperor fluff (Praise his
> name!), there was a bit where the Earth was in the throws of a civil war,
> while isolated in the warp. There was mention of epic clashes with
> massive machines and millions of men. the presumption had been that
> these were Titans (or knights), while they could easily have been
> Battlemechs or Ogres. I like the idea of them being Ogres, having bought
> the boxed mini sets. 8)
> Josh R
Received on Sat Nov 03 2001 - 01:54:02 UTC

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