RE: [NetEpic ML] More brainstorming

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 14:56:25 -0400


> Oh well, we can talk into blue in the face I guess. As they
say "agree
> to disagree".

Yep. All I can say to yer tactics is: it's all been tried. I still
usually win.... but it takes skill.

<grin> you remind me!


actaully, just about the only tactic that I can't seem to beat is
when the enemy is playing tyranids.

that's it. that's his only tactic. I just can't beat them. They keep
getting up. he takes a few bio-titans, and keeps his dominatrix at
the back with that gross psychic sheild up, and I just can't seem to
stop him.

What are you trying to stop? The bio-titans? If so go for the legs. It
doesn't kill it, but a bio-titan that doesn't move is not a threat and
you can dispose of it later. The Dominatirx? Ignore it. It's a tease.
Unless you can get to it in close combat with a close combat reaver or
warlord, don't bother, go for his troops.

The way I dispose of Tyranids is by hitting the troops that make its
bulk, termagants, hormagants, genestealers. While they won't break due
to their morale rules they will give you VP's. The longer the game lasts
the worse it is for you. Take as many objectives as you can at first go.
It doesn't matter if you do so with few troops, he'll be stretched too
(depending on what army you play, easiest with IG or orks). Concentrate
on his troops and keep his bio-titans out of it by shooting for the
legs. Even losing one leg brings done his speed giving you more time to
shoot it up.

I have won most of my games versus tyranids (against the same tactics
you describe) by killing as much troop fodder as you can in the first
two turns. I have even sacrificed titans by shooting up troops and
taking my chances in assault with a bio-titan, just to kill troops.

If you haven't broken their back by turn three, you're in trouble, its
likely he'll eat you up.

If you give me more specifics, I can give you more directed examples.


> To bad I don't live anywhere near you, you young wipper snapper or
> show ya!! <grin>

heh. Any time gramps. I've been playing this for almost a decade

Ha! Youngster. Been playing for 14 year ever since that first box set
appeared in 1988-89. The tactics (or dirty rotten tricks depending on
who you ask) I have seen will put hair on your chest! <grumble, hacking

> Anything else in the rules that you'd like to change? Its good to
see as
> many opinions as possible.

just a clarification - it looks like the netepic rules changed the
way void shields work. It used to be that you would get back knocked
down shields on a 5+, no matter what turn they were knocked down on.
Now I read the rules and they sound like you can ONLY regenerate a
void sheild on the turn it was knocked down (on a 4+ now, I admit).
that means that if you loose all 4, and only regenerate 2, you can
never get back to having full shields again.

No. regenerating void shields is as it used to be, but on a 4+ now. In
case of power fields (like gargants) you can't repair them and you'll
never have full shields for that game again.

Its good to point it out since editing is one of those major things for
the revision.


Received on Wed Mar 28 2001 - 18:56:25 UTC

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