I don't like the idea of reducing Chaos cards. It doesn't attack the problem mentioned previously. OK, now GD are easier to bring down, but the problem wasn't mixing GD, the problem was the possibility to field a really good choice of troops. This way we don't limit at all this advantatge. It's the same as ballancing SM for excessive deployment speed, reducing the number of void shields on titans.
I think animosity is the key to balance the advantage of such a big choice of (good) troops. The point is that mixing different chaos powers units, the chaos player gets a superior army. So, limiting the playability of such mixtures is the key to balance that advantatge (IMHO)
I proposed an idea of animosity rule. Some people think that makes the game a bit slow. While I don't agree, I keep thinking that's the right way to balance the army, so I expect other proposals people doesn't like the rule.
Also let me reply to those who think that my proposal slows the game too much, that figures in hand it's not so slowing. Since in a 3000 - 5000 point game, the number of detachments of a Chaos army is not SO large (and still they must be close to check animosity), the time loss is not significant. Ork armies also have to check wether Nobz are in distance, Tyranids have to check hive mind radius and IG also do for command radius. Has anyone even whispered about modifying this rules to speed up the game? Is it so stressful to measure 30cm and then roll a die before activating a detachment? I don't think so. It's just a matter of playtesting.
As every new rule, it seems it should bog down the game at the beggining, but after some games, people get used to it and the game doesn't slow any more.
----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Ramos
To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 9:56 PM
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] [5.0]Chaos army list
How about another simple spin on this? How about reducing the amount of
cards you get per demon for every extra chaos power you take. If a demon
gets 3 cards it gets 2 if you have one extra chaos power in play, 1 if
two extra and ZERO cards for playing chaos undivided. So, basically, the
more variety you want in a chaos army the less powers you have since you
compensate with a better combination of units. More importantly we avoid
adding any rules and such "in game" since this is determined at setup.
Besides this a division between CSM and the rest would suffice, since
most agree the CSM are the "problem".
-----Original Message-----
From: deaconblue3_at_... [mailto:deaconblue3_at_...]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 1:18 PM
To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] [5.0]Chaos army list
1 Chaos power: normal amount (first hit's free)
2 powers: -2 Chaos Cards
3 powers: -4 cards
4 powers: -6 cards
You get 3 per greater daemon or primarch, plus more from some of the war
engines, so a cost of two is noticable but not crippling.
--->By this, if you field four powers, you end up getting 6 Chaos cards
(3x4 greater demons, not including engines and such, -6 penalty). As
many of the Chaos cards are situation specific in terms of usefulness, I
don't see this as all that much of a penalty really. If we use
Antichrist's spin on this, divide by the number of powers present, you
only get 3 chaos cards ( (3x4)/4) in the same example, which is less
1 per power, which is too much of a penalty. Animosity, in some form,
IMO the way to go. It keep sthe fluffiness of the army, and should
provide for some interesting table top action. It's just a matter of
figuring out the best mechanic for it.
Josh R
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