Re: [NetEpic ML] Hello world of NetEpic!

From: Kelvin Henderson <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2007 08:01:25 +1000
Hello and welcome!

1. It mostly has to do with the HQ rule and barrages. Especially with the big airburst 12 cm barrage template where it is almost impossible to place it anywhere on the enemy without getting an HQ (especially the Orcs that have their units littered with HQ´s). How do you do it? By the book or by trying to minimize the HQ´s under the template?

If you can do it by the book, without hitting HQ units, then that is the way it should be done. If this is virtually impossible, the best solution is to minimise the number of HQ units under the template.

2. Flame templates and the equivalent. Do they penetrate buildings, hitting people behind the building as well? I would guess so since they ignore cover.

Yes.  They wash in and around cover, potentially hitting everything under the template.

3. Do ball and chain ordnance from the Orc gargant belly gun scatter on the Hit location template, or does it automatically hit the leg location without scatter? This becomes important once you start shooting at Imperator titans that have lost their shields...

Good question.  IIRC the answer is no from my SM2 days but I could be wrong.

4. Point cost for certain units, especially the awesome Eldar scout titans that pack the punch of a Phantom and are harder to bring down because of their size, but cost only 400 per pair. Also the Orc pulsa rokkits that cost 250 for three almost sure misses.

The Eldar Scout titans are very fragile.  Sure they are slightly harder to hit but they are easy to kill once you hit them.  Pulsa Rokkits are better than you think.  Yes, they are hard to aim. ; Yes they are hard to accurately hit with.  They are, however, very effective.  They are, like all artillery, best used against a numerous opponent.  I use mine to target Orks and Imp Guard.  Plus they are fantastic at denying an area to your opponent.  Does your opponent have a bottleneck they need to get through?  Plug it up with a Pulsa Rokkit!  I can't count the number of times this has paid off for me.

5. What is the eldar titan pulse laser range? 100 cm or 75 cm? It stated differently on the hit location chart and the unit roster. The scout titans, do they get 2d3 or 1d6 hits from their two smaller pulse lasers?

I believe it should be 100cm.  And the Scout titans get 2D3 I believe.

6. Multiple barrage template weapons that have to touch like for example the Hellfury missiles on the Squat Cyclops. Can one use them to "round corners" and target units that are out of LOS, or do the barrages that gets fired in this way scatter?

Yes, you can round corners to target units you normally can't see.  No they don't scatter IIRC.

7. Does the mekboy bubble chucka forcefield remain in play or does it disappear at the end of the turn?

It lasts for one turn.

8. The deathroller  - ordinary vehicle overrun paradox. When an ordinary vehicle fails to run somebody over they keep on going, pushing the victim aside whereas the deathroller equipped vehicle has to halt. This make ordinary rhinos deadly infantry killing machines. I know this is an optional rule but wouldn´t it be better that ordinary vehicles also had to halt after a failed overrun?

You are correct.  This is a hold-over from the days when infantry could pin non-superheavy vehicles.  This will need to be changed.

Well, that was it. I can drag on and on discussing Epic so I´ll come to a halt here.

Oh please.  Drag away! ;-)

-Kelvin.... Received on Thu Mar 08 2007 - 22:01:25 UTC

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