On IG and SM Vets:
To design what a IG vet should be like, we can NOT just take the stats from
a SM vet and transfer it. It is a distinct difference between a SM and an IG
soldier. A SM is a geneticaly improved human, if he is wounded he has a much
better chance of survival and be back in service to the next battle than any
IG soldier. The SM rules even states that a SM is capable of living for
several hundred years unless he is killed in battle.
On this background it is fair to say that for a SM to get veteran status and
be transferred to the 1st company he would have to be in service for say 50
to 100 years, either way much longer than a regular IG would survive on the
battlegrounds. This means that to give IG vets both +1 CAF, +1 moral and be
capable of being outside the chain of command is FAR to much.
The best thing, I think, is to bury the idea of IG vets, and rather go for
the special regiments Nils suggested some time ago. They are actualle quite
interesting and ads a good amount of flavour to the otherwise somewhat gray
an boring IG inf! That way we also stay more in line with WH 40K.
(Sorry Albert, just my POW...)
-----Original Message-----
From: Kelvin [mailto:kx.henderson_at_...]
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2000 5:13 AM
To: netepic_at_egroups.com
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Veteran HQs
>HQs are not "a-commander-and-four-guys-in-power-armour"s. They represent
>officer which leads the company PLUS some veteran marines PLUS other
>specialists. In my opinion, a Medic card is not a single medic, but a very
>good one. Every company has a chaplain, a medic, a techmarine or a
>servitor, ... and these people form the company HQ.
>But, on your first question, I think that a veteran commander will be more
>experienced than a young one, so he'll probably be better facing the enemy
>at short distances. We are talking about rising from +4 to +5. Note that
>from another point of view, a veteran HQ is only +1 better than the company
>troops, while tacts, devs and scouts are +2 better. And of course they are
>the FIRST company HQ. They HAVE terminator honours.
Yes, but the problem with creating a special "Veteran HQ" is more a matter
of visuals on the table. I look at the Terminator HQ stand and I know what
I am facing as the minis are all Terminator armour with a banner. The
Assault HQ I know what I am facing as I look at the stand and see a bunch
of Marines with Jump Packs and a banner. No surprises there. But the
Veteran HQ? It will look little different to any other HQ stand on the
table apart from some colour differences maybe. But that increase from +4
to +5 makes all the difference when I want to charge it and so without
instant recognition, it becomes a bit of a pain to keep track.
The other good point that Eivind made was if we start to give Veteran
marines special Veteran Commanders, what's to stop Ork players asking for
special variations on the Clan Nobs? Or Eldar for Craftworld-specific
Leaders? Or Chaos for Legion-specific Champions? A Space Marine commander
is the Company Commder plus his personal bodyguard of the best in the
company (effectively, the Veterans). Will the Veterans of the Veteran
company really be that much better, even with their Terminator
Honours? Who's to say that the bodyguard of the other Company commanders
haven't seen action in the Termie suits and were then re-assigned to the
bodyguard of another company? Its easier to leave it as is.
>Actually, IG forces are recruited as a whole. When Imperial recruitors
>arrive to a planet. They rise a whole army, not chosen ones. Perhaps there
>won't be more recruitments for some years, but when there is one, the world
>is cleaned of all his SCORN. These people are more or less trained
>(depending on the IG commander philosophy) and launched against any enemy
>(as required). There are a lot of casualties, but reinforcements never
>When this army is more or less "broken" to the point of not being able to
>withstand a battle, survivors join other regiments that suffered heavy
>punishment to form veteran regiments. But normally 1st army from Planet X
>never meets 2nd army from planet X. So, veterans companies are possible,
>not common.
Exactly. This is why I'm happy to see Companies of "Veteran" IG troopers
available as SPECIAL CARDS!!! They should be very few and far
between. The average life expectancy of the average Guardsman is very
small. Probably no more than 2 battles at most.
>Be it a special card or a Company card it doesn't matter. The point on tact
>IG is that is cheap and EXPENDABLE. Do you want veteran warriors as cannon
>fodder? (I do, but don't trust my acts, better trust the words). The point
>here would be to think of a set of rules which allow veterans in some
>armies. But not as guys-with-a-big-terminator-armour, or
>aspect-warriors-you-don't-know-who-you-are-talking-with. It should be
>something as easy (and powerful) as increasing +1 to CAF, reducing 1 point
>morale value, removing army limitation(chain command, slave minds,...), or
>something as a like. Even more, why not allow buying one of this
>at the cost of 150% the original costs getting a veteran detachment (or
>company). Wow! .
I don't like the idea of allowing people to buy Veteran abilities for more
Regular IG troopers but I DO like the idea of having Veteran Detachments
and Companies available as Special Cards. You're facing a Chaos CC force
and need something to help stop them dead in their tracks. You've bought
your standard rack of IG troopers and are thinking about the possible slots
to fill for Special Cards. Would the Fire Support Titan be more useful or
the IG Veteran Company Special Card with their extra +1 CAF (for
example)? Only one Special Card slot to fill and a big decision to
make. Veteran IG is a nice idea, but to allow people to take whole armies
of them is silly. Restrictions like no more than 1 Veteran company for
each regular company invariably leads to min-maxing cheese armies. But
forcing people to buy them as special Cards certainly will make them rare
and more valued. Especially if the only Veteran troops allowed (whether in
Detachment or company form) are only available as Special Cards.
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