Re: [NetEpic ML] Net epic 4.0 updates in vault

From: warprat <warprat_at_...>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 21:16:04 -0700

Hi Peter!

The new Core Rules look GREAT! There was very little I could question.
High praise, indeed!

Some comments and ideas:

1) Fog of War. Our playing group reveals order counters, as the units
are moved (First Fire units just stay in place). When a unit fires, or
has resolved Close Combat, we remove the counter from the table. If a
unit can fire in First Fire and Advance, we place an Advance counter
after First Fire, and remove the Advance counter when the unit completes
its Advance Fire. We use First Fire Counters for the Command units.

2) Vehicles with Bolters. Why can they only shoot charging infantry?
Bolters can normally target any unit?

3) Line of Sight. How do Light Artillery fit in? Do infantry stands
block LOS to Shock Attack Guns? How about Bikes, and Dreadnoughts, and
so forth? Maybe this could be worded to: Any non skimmer Infantry/Crewed
Stand blocks line of sight to each other?

But what about Walkers and Cavalry? Does cavalry block LOS to vehicles?
Can cavalry shoot over infantry? Are Walkers cansidered vehicles?

4) Healers. Does the 5 units per turn limit mean 5 rolls, or 5 units

5) Indirect barrages. If an artillery unit on First Fire chooses to
fire in the Advance phase, why can't it fire indirectly? After all, it's
using more game time to line up the shot. Does this mean that the
Basilisk cannot use indirect fire on the second shot? Is the problem
the rate of fire, or the lack of time for people to communicate?
The communication argrument does not make sense, if you consider the
Basilisk. The rate of fire argrument doesn't make sense either, since
plenty of other units can switch to the Advance phase with the only
penalty being (a big one), they might not survive.

6) Pinning. Which walkers are not classed as infantry? Why are walkers
classed as infantry?

What about skimmers pinning skimmers? I had thought that when the issue
was discussed, it was agreed Skimmers of a higher class, could pin
skimmers of the same or lower class.

Also, I didn't see the rule about not moving within 1cm of the enemy,
without having Close Combat orders. Did I miss it?

7) Breaking Morale. Broken detachments must rout if they fail thier
moral check? Don't they have to go on Fallback first?

8) Razor Wire/Fences. Just an idea, but shouldn't Sentinels and War
Walkers be able to step over these?

Great job by all! Comments?

Warprat ;)
Received on Wed Aug 30 2000 - 04:16:04 UTC

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