RE: [Epic] Infiltration

Date: Fri, 5 Sep 1997 09:21:41 +0200

From: csalvato_at_...[SMTP:csalvato@...]
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 1997 2:17 PM
To: space-marine_at_...
Subject: [Epic] Infiltration

>The way I see it, the only reason that the "May add 30cm to its
initial move"
>was added on to GW's standard infiltration ability is so that
infiltrators could
>be used in the scenarios requiring reserves. So why not say simply
>infiltrators which are deployed at the beginning of the game may
deploy up to an
>additional 30cm into the table; infiltrators which come on as a part
of reserves
>may add 30cm to their move. I believe that *that* was the intent of
the rule.
>Transported infiltrators seems to me to be pushing the line between
"beardy" and

Just my $.02...

MadMac's $.02

Now if they were gobo scouts I would understand.

"Eay Boss, da gobo scouts ain't in pooosition yet and da Boyz can't
move no futher dis turn."

"Fire em out da gun tubes. Dat shoold get dem an extra 30cm or so."

Really? I mean play how you want (the rules as written let you) but
don't pretend that scouts flying forward at faster than their
transport in the spirit of the rules.

Someone wrote IIRC "How do they get there (referring to scouts), walk
all the way? I think not."

Well my question would be, "How did they get so far ahead of the
Rhinos, Walk? I think not."

Scouts infiltrate forward of the main body the night before or they
travel ahead of the main body providing a screen line. In reality
scouts DO have vehicles. The Rhino and Razorback simulate scout
vehicles currently used by U.S. Armed Forces (i.e. M113 and Bradley

If you want to use scout vehicles it would make perfect sense to use
the +30 cm to get them ahead of you forces but you would have to use
them as Scouts. Armored Cavalry Scouts take three times longer to
train than normal tankers. Scouts are rare. 1 scout platoon per
Battalion. The Scout platoon leader job is a coveted position going
to the most experienced LT.

Armored Scout have a very very short survival time on the battle
field. Armored vehicles cannot hide (no infiltrate ability). In the
3rd Armored Cav we used to joke that when a Tanker responded to a SPOT
report (scout report) he would action on the burning hulk of the
scout. If you want to know where the enemy is look for the dead scout

On the other had the most effective scouts in the U.S. Army are
stationed at the National Training Center in California. These light
infantry scouts WALK deep into our rear area and set of observation
posts throughout the battlefield. There are stories of these guys
having records of every single one of our bumper numbers (Vehicle

Yes Virginia, there are a lot of live scouts and there are a lot of
Armored Cavalry Scouts but there are not a lot of live Armored Cavalry

TO ALL 59D: You know I love ya and can't live without ya. You know I
right. If you hide you live and if you shoot you die.

Received on Fri Sep 05 1997 - 07:21:41 UTC

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