RE: Support Weapons (was Re: [Epic] Squat 40K List)

From: Cyril Crocker <dslayer_at_...>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 02:14:18 -0500

I really hope that the promised expansion set will have a note saying,
losed is a reprint of the armies book, with updated army lists. please
use =
this new book in place of the old -GW"
1 th=
ing that my local GW store here GUARANTEED me was that there was NOT going =
to be any expansion. That everything was in the box. When did it come up?=

Good thing I didn't buy the thing there.
Cyril Crocker

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Bow=
en [SMTP:mbowen_at_...]
Sent: Monday, November 10, 1997 1:14 AM
To: 'space-marine_at_...'
Subject: RE: Support Weapons (was Re: [Epic] S=
quat 40K List)

hmm. I like all the extra "flavor" for these units.
One of=
 the things i really like about e40k is that all the races different
s are now closely related, no more of the SM/TL stuff of _every_
weapon hav=
ing a different to hit/save mod/"special effect". Now a AT shot
for marines=
 acts the same as a AT shot for eldar. F.P. from a Ork is the
same as F.P. =
from the Bugs. This is the good type of simplification that
occurred in e40=
k, along with the best set of combat rules to come from the
GW staff yet.(s=
till room for improvement, though)

where this "make it simple" design theo=
ry ran amok was with the army
lists, and with the conversion of SM/TL units=
 into e40k terms

I thought i hated the old army cards, but now i almost =
miss them.
they gave a better balance,or "fluffy" feel to them. With e40k i=
 see a lot
more Min/Max Munchkin crap like a 20 stand Termie + 10 L.R. SM "=

e40k got SO simple that Squats and Knights went "poof" and the Ork C=
and vehicle list are but a pale shadow of what had made the Orks, "Ork=
and the loss of many Titan weapons and upgrades just sucks. The eldar go=
simple by changing the look of almost every vehicle they had
(I like the =
"cheese wedge" and "steam iron" look of the old minis)

This is what has hu=
rt e40k- old players felt like their favorite army
was screwed, and would n=
ot play the new game, period.

Now having these E41k army list changes give=
s me the best chance of having
old SM players give the new rules a try.

I =
really hope that the promised expansion set will have a note saying,
sed is a reprint of the armies book, with updated army lists. please
use th=
is new book in place of the old -GW"

I truely would like to thank all inv=
olved with the E41k- Its the best Hope
for this epic system

I _want_ Mole =
Mortars to be different from Rapiers.
If I had a Hammer, there would b=
e _no_ more Folk Singers


Received on Mon Nov 10 1997 - 07:14:18 UTC

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