--- + armour, speed movement and '#' are support units stats * for purposes of comparison with the normal imperial guard with supports # Number of units it takes to equal the assault value of one space marine unit. Note a unit can't be assaulted by more than two units once. The higher the number, the worse it is. Example ------- An example of how the firepower and assault comparsions were calculated, using a normal space marine. Normal firepower - 2/30=0.66667 (rounded down to .07) Assault value - 6/30=0.2 With firepower and assault values, the higher it is, the better it is. Note that were a unit as a special ability, such as assault, cavalry, jump packs etc, it has already been included in their stats. TABLE ----- SPACE MARINES Fire Power Assault Armour Range Movement # (per point) (per point) Normal Normal fire 0.07 0.20 5+ 30cm 10cm 1.00 Overwatch 0.13 - - - - - (Has Stubborn) Normal* + Dreadnought 0.07 0.18 6+ 45cm 15cm 0.75+ + Vindicator 0.10 0.17 6+ 15cm 25cm 1.00+ Assault Normal 0.06 0.24 5+ 15cm 20cm 0.75 Overwatch 0.12 - - - - - (Has stubborn) Devastators 0.10 0.08 5+ 45cm 10cm 2.00 Scouts 0.07 0.19 5+ 30cm 10cm 1.00 (have inflitrate & stubborn, can't have Rhinos) Terminators 0.05 0.16 5+ 30cm 10cm 1.00 + Dreadnought 0.08 0.22 6+ 45cm 15cm 0.75+ + Vindicator 0.12 0.22 6+ 15cm 25cm 1.00+ (Has save & stubborn, can only use land raiders as ground transport) Bikes 0.10 0.20 4+ 15cm 35cm 1.33 (Has Stubborn) Note - Clearly Vindacators in combination with Terminators are the deadlist close combat and firefight option. However dreadnoughts have a 45cm range, which great against Eldar aspect warriors with jump packs. It appears to be a waste of time to use Vindicators and Dreadnoughts to support normal space marines. IMPERIAL GUARD Fire Power Assault Armour Range Movement # (per point) (per point) Normal 0.14 0.14 3+ 30cm 10cm 3.00 Normal +Orgyn 0.13 0.25 5+ 15cm 10cm 0.75+ +Hellhounds 0.19 0.19 5+ 15cm 20cm 1.00+ +Demolisher 0.17 0.17 6+ 15cm 15cm+ 0.75+ Heavy Weapons 0.14 0.07 3+ 45cm 10cm 6.00 Rough Riders 0.10 0.20 4+ 15cm 20cm 0.66 Note - Jevis seems to right about the firepower of the imperial gaurd. The imperial guard fire power (if moving normally) is equal to the fire power of space marines on overwatch. Also normal imperial guard troops, with support troops, have an equal or better assault value than normal space marines, supported by dreadnoughts or vindicators. Orgyns provide the best assault value, hellhounds give equal assault and firepower, demolishers have slightly less firepower and assault value than hellhounds, but have better armour. The assault values for the imperial guard are easily beaten by Chaos, Eldar and Tryanids, the imperial guard will need to use artillery to reduce their strength before they get into close combat. ORKS Fire Power Assault Armour Range Movement # (per point) (per point) Ork Boyz 0.11 0.22 4+ 30cm 10cm 1.33 Ork Boyz +Stompa 0.22 0.15 5+ 45cm 15cm 1.25+ +Dreadnought 0.09 0.24 5+ 45cm 15cm 1.00+ +Squiggoth 0.11 0.20 5+ 30cm 15cm 1.20+ [assault value calculated on average die roll of 3.5. Assumed 1 Ork unit per mob] Nobz 0.07 0.29 4+ 30cm 10cm 0.75 (Has save) Shooty Boyz 0.12 0.06 4+ 45cm 10cm 3.00 Boarboyz 0.08 0.23 5+ 15cm 20cm 1.00 Starboyz 0.09 0.27 4+ 30cm 10cm 1.00 Stormboyz 0.08 0.25 4+ 15cm 20cm 1.00 Kommandos 0.08 0.17 4+ 30cm 10cm 1.33 Gretchin 0.20 0.20 3+ 30cm 10cm 3.00 Gretchin +Stompa 0.14 0.14 5+ 45cm 15cm 1.25+ +Dreadnought 0.13 0.22 5+ 45cm 15cm 1.00+ +Squiggoth 0.11 0.20 5+ 30cm 15cm 1.20+ [assumed 2 getchin per mob] Note - Nobz have the best assault and armour value (because of the save), but it doesn't look good, you normally don't have an army consisting solely of officers. Gretchin have a higher assault and firepower values than nobz, but only two thirds of them can assault an equal points value of normal space marines. Overall Orks have a higher assault values than space marine and imperial guard units, they pay for this by having lower fire power and shorter range indirect fire. Ork dreadnoughts seem to be a bit of a fizzer. ELDAR Fire Power Assault Armour Range Movement # (per point) (per point) Guardians 0.25 0.13 3+ 15cm 15cm 3.00 Scouts 0.10 0.10 4+ 30cm 15cm 3.00 (Has infiltrate) Aspect Warrior 0.10 0.40 4+ 15cm 15cm 0.66 Swooping Hawks/ 0.07 0.29 4+ 15cm 30cm 0.66 Warp Spiders Dark Reapers 0.05 0.10 4+ 15cm 15cm 1.33 Aspect+Exarch 0.09 0.46 4+ 15cm 15cm 0.60 Aspect+Exarch+ 0.07 0.33 4+ 15cm 30cm 0.60 Swooping Hawks Aspect Warrior +Dreadnought 0.13 0.21 6+ 45cm 15cm 0.80 Note - If you thought nobz had a high assault value, the aspect+exarch assault value is even higher. This is compensated for by aspect warriors having low fire power and shorter range. The best combination for aspect warriors seems to be the aspect+exarch+ swooping hawk combination. This allows Eldar to assault troops from outside of the normal 30cm range of infantry weapons. CHAOS MARINES & CULTISTS Fire Power Assault Armour Range Movement # (per point) (per point) Marines Normal Fire 0.07 0.20 4+ 30cm 10cm 1 Overwatch 0.13 - - - - - Veterans Normal Fire 0.06 0.18 4+ 30cm 10cm 1 Overwatch 0.12 - - - - - (Has Inflitrate) Noise Marines 0.09 0.07 4+ 45cm 10cm 2 (Has Stubborn) Thousand Sons Normal Fire 0.06 0.19 4+ 30cm 10cm 1 Overwatch 0.13 - - - - - Marines +Dreadnought 0.05 0.20 6+ 45cm 15cm 0.6+ [assumed 1 chaos marine unit per squad] Terminators Normal Fire 0.06 0.17 4+ 30cm 10cm 1 Overwatch 1.11 - - - - - (Has save) Terminator + Dreadnought 0.05 0.19 6+ 45cm 15cm+ 0.60+ Bike Squad 0.10 0.20 4+ 15cm 35cm 1.50 Cutlists 0.14 0.14 3+ 30cm 10cm 3.00 Beastmen n/a 0.20 4+ n/a 10cm 1.50 1 Champion per n/a 0.33 4+ n/a 10cm 1.00 squad [assumed only one unit per squad] CHAOS DAEMONS Fire Power Assault Armour Range Movement # (per point) (per point) Bloodthirster n/a 0.21 6+ n/a 15cm 0.50 (Has save) Great Unc. One 0.07 0.29 6+ 15cm 10cm 0.50 (Has save & psyker) Keeper of n/a 0.32 6+ n/a 15cm 0.50 Sercets (Has save, psyker & stubborn) Lord of Change n/a 0.29 6+ n/a 25cm 0.50 (Has save, psyker & skimmer) Bloodletters n/a 0.36 4+ n/a 15cm 0.75 (Has rampage+save) Flesh hounds/ n/a 0.25 5+ n/a 30cm 0.75 Slaanesh fiends (Has save) Flamers n/a 0.27 4+ n/a 30cm 0.75 Daemonette/ n/a 0.27 4+ n/a 15cm 0.75 Pink horror/ Plague bearers (Has save) Note - Cultists are really only useful for their firepower and to act as screen for other units. Because they have the same fire power as marines overwatch when moving normally, they can advance and provide covering fire at the sametime. Beastmen with champions are excellent assault troops, only being bettered by the bloodletters. With daemons it really is a case of horses for courses i.e choose the daemon which is best for doing the job in hand. Daemon assault values are not as good as the Eldar aspect warriors. However Chaos can concentrate more assault value at a single point and daemons have greater survivability (e.g daemon have saves and armour of 6+). Chaos marines are very similar to normal marines. Personally I would weight a Chaos army more in favour of daemons, cultists and beastmen. Only using marines for roles that can't be carried out by daemons, cultists or beastmen, such as drop pods and getting around the flanks using bikes. TYRANIDS Fire Power Assault Armour Range Movement # (per point) (per point) Termagents 0.14 0.28 3+ 15cm 15cm 1.33 Genestealers n/a 0.60 4+ n/a 15cm 0.50 Lictors n/a 0.23 6 n/a 15cm 0.75 (Has inflitrate) Carnifexs 0.8 0.15 6 n/a 15cm 0.50 (has rampage) Zoathropes n/a 0.13 6 n/a 10cm 1.33 (Has psyker) Note - The beauty of the Tryanid brood is that they can create great assault detachments. The problem with the Tryanids is they lack long range fire power. Which means that Tryanids will face lots heavy weapon troops and anti-tank weapon fire. Also they don't have jump packs or cavalry, so they will take longer to reach the enemy, hereby giving the enemy more time to shot at them. Tryanid players need to make the best use of cover possible and try and take out the enemy artillery and anti-tank weapons, once this has been done the termagents can act as screen for the rest of the brood, when advancing across open ground. Tryanids should use artillery, flyers and mycetic spores to destroy enemy anti-tank weapons and artillery. -- Sean Smith Home - Seans_at_... --Received on Tue Dec 02 1997 - 04:49:20 UTC
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