Hello folks,
Last week my wife went to Maui for a business convention. So like any man
with a non-wargaming wife, I commandeered the kitchen table, dragged the TV
from the lounge, and sat down for some serious painting. In four days I
31 Land Raiders, 6 Vindicators, 6 Hellhounds, 3 Demolishers, 40 stands of
Marines, 6 Whirlwinds, 1 Thunderhawk, 8 Land Speeders, 5 Attack Bikes, 24
Rhinos, 1 Vampire Raider, 2 Pheonix bombers, 3 Nightwings, 12 Falcons, 1
Cobra, 4 Vypers, 2 Night Spinners, 6 Hive Tyrants, 6 Dactylis, 6
Zoanthropes, 6 Malefactors, 3 Exocrines, 3 Biovores, 4 Carnifexes, 1
Harridan, 12 Battlewagons, 6 Fighta Bombas, 3 Stompas, and 8 ruined buildings.
Now I can only see with the aid of the Hubble telescope, I have licked so
many brushes to a point that I will never taste anything other than Citadel
paint ever again, and I think I'm addicted to the Rickie Lake Show. But I
am strangely elated by my achievement.
So wifey returns and I show her the results of four eyeball-blasting days
work and what does she say? What does she buggery bollocking say?
"That's nice hon."
Bail was set at $50 000 and I have been ordered not to associate with
anyone wearing a red polo shirt and inane grin.
"The important lesson is that you can get what
you want and still not be very happy"
Pope Cerebus
Get inside the mind of Richard Bright at:
Received on Sun Feb 01 1998 - 19:53:14 UTC