Re: [Epic] Warlord Battlegroups

From: Keith Zanardi <xenofobe_at_...>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 12:11:17 -0500 (EST)

At 10:13 AM 2/28/97 -0500, you wrote:
>OK guys, I have a question for you all: how would you arm a long-range
>Warlord Battlegroup? I want to put one together as I have a bunch of
>titan weapons and a few Warlord sprues laying around, BUT I hardly ever
>use titans myself and when I have to face off against them they are
>almost always armed with short/medium ranged stuff. What I'm really
>looking for is 3 titans each with some individuality (ie, I don't want
>3 titans armed with the same exact weapons) that are able to support
>each other reasonably well. Ideas?

  1 with 4 Quake Cannon and a Deathstrike Cannon head.
  1 with 2 Volcano Cannon and 2 Turbolaser Destructors
  1 with 2 Barrage Missile Launchers, 1 Plasma Destructor, and 1 Trident
  The trident is for when/if a titan/shv is within charge reach. You can fire
   it through the shields and you will be on FF orders, so it will really hurt
  titans, and ruin a SHV's day.

Received on Fri Feb 28 1997 - 17:11:17 UTC

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