Re: [Epic] New Member

From: Tyler Provick <bprovick_at_...>
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 13:10:21 -0400

> I just have a few questions, but if they are covered by an FAQ please let
> me know where I can find it. I play Ultramarine, and I've managed to
> incorporate rules for Veterans into our gaming circle pretty painlessly;
> 40 pts/squad, extra point of FP, OW at 3. I'm curious to know what other
> variations of tactical veterans are being used.

Do you mean having 3x FP on Overwatch instead of 2x? Sorry, 10 points is not
enough to cover that. On Overwatch you end up with 5 FP per stand (1 + 1 for
veteran = 2 x 3 = 5) Where for an extra 10 pts marines become devastators,
getting +1 firepower but no Rapid Fire and crappy Assault Values.

> Also, after having read Andy Chambers rulings, I'm a bit puzzled at how
> Titans can be effective units. As I read it, each blast marker they
> receive shuts down one super heavy. Since Titans always shoot last, it
> appears as though they will always have 2-3 blast markers on them by the
> time they shoot, effectively reducing their offensive capabilities by half
> or more. Is this ruling in wide use?

Yes, but if the Titan has a weapon that uses FP he can use that FP to soak up
BM's, seeing as most FP on Titans is high, this shouldn't be a problem.

Received on Mon Jun 22 1998 - 17:10:21 UTC

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