In article <01bdc069$87315c20$8201a8c0_at_pc-carl-billen>, Carl Billen
<Carl.Billen_at_...> writes
>a) Is a Titan's Close Combat Weapon (with range 30cm and 4 FP)
>considered a Super Heavy Weapon, or a FP-based weapon for purposes of
>placing Blast
>Markers ?
FP based weapon.
>b) I've got a detachment with a Warboss and 4 Gretchins, and 4
>infiltrators which are 50 cm away from the main unit. My opponent fires for
>7 BM on the Infiltrators, which are the only stands in range for him; this
>in 4 dice being rolled.
>b1) If he rolls 2, 4, 5 and 6 : 3 Infiltrators get killed and the detachment
>gets a BM.
This is correct.
>c) My only infiltrator stand of my big Ork detachment is scaling a big
>hill/mountain. When he reaches the top he is 50 cm away from the core
>troops of his detachment, but he is right in the range and sights of an
>Imperator (who is at the other side of the hill/mountain, some 40 cm away) !
>The Princeps is very happy because he has a target to shoot at, and fires
>all his weapons at the single Ork. 30 FP + 6 SHW result in 1 dead Ork
>Infiltrator + 7 BMs. (3 BMs for the 24+ FP, 1 BM for the 6 SHW and 3 BMs
>for the 3 MegaCannon shots). This would result in placing 7 BMs on stands
>that are not in range or in line of sight ? Isn't this a bit unreal or is
>my example (just a bit) too extreme ? It's just that my Infiltrators are
>always the first units in Range and this results in gettting BMs over my
>main unit...
I think you would only be able to use one weapon on it, but apart from
that you're right. It's a bit bizarre.
Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister <mailto:brother_morgan_at_...>
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Received on Wed Aug 05 1998 - 12:32:38 UTC