[Epic] [E40k] - the FAQs

From: Richard Dewsbery <dewsbery_at_...>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 19:37:41 +0100

Right. I'll appoint myself official FAQ monitor (everyone is always
saying I know how to FAQ things up).

Jervis is going to get a little ticked off if we all send him e-mails
with questions, particularly as we'll ask the same questions, so I'll
volunteer to send a regular set of queries to him and collate his

So what questions do we want answering?? Please post me the wording you
would want, but don't get upset if I play devil's advocate and put both
sides of the argument to the rulesgiver.

Received on Wed Apr 16 1997 - 18:37:41 UTC

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