Re: [Epic][E40k] A few comments on E40k

From: Richard Dewsbery <dewsbery_at_...>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 20:11:42 +0100

Jeff Schmidt wrote:
> Re: Loss of Flavor

Look at DBM (ancients wargame). Just a few different unit types - eg.
roman legionaries appear identical to vikings. But most armies have a
distinct flavour not because of lost of exceptions to the main rules,
but because of the predominant unit types that made up the army as a

I see E40k as being very similar.

And simple rules does not necessarily equate with simple tactics!
> 1. Anyone else think the crit charts are broken? Work out the
> probibilities for a few and you get some interesting results.
I've alreaady gone on record as saying that this part of the rules
appears to be one of those last-minute bodge jobs.

> Personally I would have liked to seen crit charts somewhat like:
> 2 : Catastrophic Damage
> 3 : Reactor Hit / Deep Wound / Etc.
> 4-6 : Weapon Hits
> 7 : Glancing Hit / Flesh Wound
> 8-10 : Mobility Hits
> 11 : Reactor Hit / Deep Wound / Etc.
> 12 : Catastrophic Damage
> where weapons hits are always random for right/left splits (ie. 6 =
> Carapace Hit, 1-3 left carapace weapon, 4-6 right). Expand the extremes
> for smaller war machines.

I agree.

Received on Wed Apr 16 1997 - 19:11:42 UTC

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