Re: [Epic] Knight units in E40K

From: A. Allen McCarley <allen_at_...>
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 19:27:07 -0500

> Yes, there are still some 2nd edition players still here. Is it just me
> or is it that players who played Epic: Space Marine do no care for the new
> rules (Flyer rules excepted), but new players do?
> Mike Stim

I played SM/TL for years (well, fewer years for the TL part) and I *love*
the new game. My first thought while I was reading the rule books was
"Damn, this almost reads like a wargame." During my first two games this
weekend, my thoughts were "Damn, this almost *plays* like a wargame!"

The increased movment capability and decreased weapon ranges increase the
importance of maneuver and postioning. Before, it often seemed your best
bet was simply to charge madly at the enemy. I also got much less of
a feel that I was commanding little groups of individual super-heros
and more of a feel that I was commanding an army. (i.e. less 40K, more

Shooting seems more important than CC now. Assault only seems to kill 1 or
2 models, while I watched Temp's 9 Falcon detatchment pop-up and *erase*
infantry detatchments repeatedly. (Though he'll probably try and complain
that my FIghter/Bombers did the same to him...) You gottal love those
Falcons. Who needs war engines? (I was very unimpressed with the
performance of my Warhounds.)

Of course, I've now only played two small games in which both of us made
numerous errors, so my opinion of the game may change. But I doubt it.

Check out the EPIC Q&A Archive Pages at:
These were EPIC (SM/TL) questions formulated by this mailing
list and answered by designer Andy Chambers. If you're having
a problem with EPIC, you may find your answer there.
Received on Mon Apr 21 1997 - 00:27:07 UTC

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