Re: Daemon cavalry (prev : [Epic] more lost figs)

From: Scott Shupe <shupes_at_...>
Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 11:50:05 -0400

oki_at_... wrote:
> I would like to propose that of a new infantry specialist - Daemon cavalry.
> Probably with the following stats :
> The following attributes are common to both Daemon cavalry.
> 1. Speed doubled.
> 2. Tripled during Assault phase if charging.
> 3. Counted as vehicles (no hiding in buildings etc)
> 4. Add + 1 to their Armour value, up to max of 6.

        These are simply the standard calvary mods, right?

> * The Emp's Children special ability Assault could be changed to be either
> Infiltrators, Heavy Weapons (but heavies on Cavalry ?), Assault, but the
> value point below is based on Assault.

        No need to load them up with special abilities. I
think just giving them calvary is enough - the AV of 3 is
certainly adequate, and letting them keep the 30cm range
keeps them somewhat flexible.

        The juggers are fine the way they are.

> Cost:
> CSM squad 15 points per unit
> Extra cost to :
> Upgrade to Juggernaut cavalry (Rampage, Assault, Cavalry) +4 pts per unit
> Upgrade to Slaneesh Steed cavalry(Rampage, Assault/Infiltrators) +3 pts perunit

        Oi! Where are the disc riders?!?

        Looks like you're using +2 pts for calvary? Just
wondering where you extrapolated that from - as far as I
can tell, calvary costs about +6 pts (looking at flesh hounds
& slaanesh fiends). Chaos Lords don't pay anything, but then
characters get jump packs for free too.

        Assuming +6 for calvary and +2 for skimmer (I have
no real justification for that, I can't think of anything
that could be upgraded to skimmers):

Upgrade to Disc Riders (Calvary) +8 pts per unit

> The stats are as follows:
> Mov Range FP AV ARMR Special
> Khorne's CSM &
> Juggernaughts 15cm 30cm 1 3 5+ Assault,Cavalry,Rampage
> Rapid Fire
> Emperor's 15cm 30cm 1 3 5+ Cavalry, Assault *
> Children &
> Steeds of Slaanesh

        If you're just modifying a CSM squad, Move should be
10cm, correct?

Received on Thu May 15 1997 - 15:50:05 UTC

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