Daemon cavalry (prev : [Epic] more lost figs)

From: <oki_at_...>
Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 13:56:07 +0800

At 11:35 PM 5/14/97 +0200, Andreas Richert wrote:
>Any one who have an idea what to do with all those juggers and Slaanesh
>Beast riders? Now they can only be used for comanders and sorcerers, but I
>still got hords of them liyng around and collecting dust....
>A.I.C. rules for CHAOS
>Andreas Richert
>E-mail: aic_at_...

I would like to propose that of a new infantry specialist - Daemon cavalry.
Probably with the following stats :
The following attributes are common to both Daemon cavalry.
1. Speed doubled.
2. Tripled during Assault phase if charging.
3. Counted as vehicles (no hiding in buildings etc)
4. Add + 1 to their Armour value, up to max of 6.
* The Emp's Children special ability Assault could be changed to be either
Infiltrators, Heavy Weapons (but heavies on Cavalry ?), Assault, but the
value point below is based on Assault.

CSM squad 15 points per unit

Extra cost to :
Upgrade to Juggernaut cavalry (Rampage, Assault, Cavalry) +4 pts per unit
Upgrade to Slaneesh Steed cavalry(Rampage, Assault/Infiltrators) +3 pts perunit
The stats are as follows:
                Mov Range FP AV ARMR Special
Khorne's CSM &
Juggernaughts 15cm 30cm 1 3 5+ Assault,Cavalry,Rampage
                                                        Rapid Fire

Emperor's 15cm 30cm 1 3 5+ Cavalry, Assault *
Children &
Steeds of Slaanesh

Feedback ? Any refinement of this would be appreciated.

Received on Thu May 15 1997 - 05:56:07 UTC

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