Re: [Epic] snap fire and other stuff

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 1997 12:09:06 -0500

At 12:30 PM 6/16/97 -0500, you wrote:

>> Her jet bikes had to stop at 10cm when you snap-fired. Therefore you
>> should always be able to move away without being snap-fired unless
>> you're surrounded (possible to do with three jetbikes in a triangular
>> formation, I guess).
>Right, I could have turned around and moved the other way. But with
>a sheer wall on one side and a river on the other, I would have had
>to move completely away from where I wanted to go.

In assault, move in to cc with the one closest to where you want to be. 3
jet bikes will hardly stand up to a titan in cc (or in a firefight, for that
matter). They will have to cut and run, leaving you unopposed in your next
move. Not only that, you will destroy at least one, and place additional
BMs (1 or 2). That way they only slow you temporarily, which seems reasonable.

>OK, I had not thought of whether the snapfire rule was in effect
>during the assault phase. That makes sense. However, you can't
>move past an enemy unit in this phase, right? So even if I can
>move farther into the 10cm barrier, I can't move so that my distance
>to the nearest enemy (the jetbike) gets any further, right? Am
>I still pinned, or am I missing something else?

You are missing the fact that if you are within 10 cm, there will be a
firefight, and the bikes will run (unles you lose). Since you have 12 fp
against their 6, you will get +2, so it's possible, but unlikely. In hth,
it would be AV8 vs 1+2 support, which is better odds, but not enough to give
you another +1. If you do lose, you won't run, and there may be another
round of cc/ff in the latter part of the phase. If you lose both (or you
moved 2nd in assault) then you wil lose one more half turn of movement. I
guess that's what you get for shooting badly.

Received on Mon Jun 16 1997 - 17:09:06 UTC

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