RE: [NetEpic ML] [V5.0] Space marine bike company

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 11:17:48 -0400


Really? I gathered that people thought SM SHOULD have bike companies, or
at least some chapters do. Its silly to think IG have more
maneuverability than SM. They should have bike companies.


-----Original Message-----
From: Millett, George [mailto:George.Millett_at_...]
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 10:47 AM
To: Netepic (E-mail)
Subject: [NetEpic ML] [V5.0] Space marine bike company

A while back there was some discussion about allowing Space marine
to field full bike companies in the same manner as the Imperial Guard.

As they claimed that this can make the IG more manoverable that a SM
It then followed on that White Scars and DA would lose their advantage
they are the only SM chapters to have the Company sized formations of
and Landspeeders. Resulting in motions put forward for them to have 2

This I am against at least in the case of The Dark angels. The one
why the Ravenwing is so good with their bikes is that since they are
accepted in to the chapter a member of the Ravenwing is a dedicated
bike/Landspeeder warrior and the Chapter lumped all of the light
vehicles in
to the single formation. They don't physically have any more vehicles or
spare capacity to produce any more.

Where as with the IG due to the rules about how and where regiments are
called up , usually within 10 light years of a trouble spot there is
to be far more variability to the force that is going to be produced.
example If Attila is attacked their is going to be a very different army
deployed against the threat than if Mordia or Cadia were attacked.

Where as the various Marine chapters are completely fixed with the
differences being minor as most of the chapters follow the Index
Astartes to
a greater or lesser degree, Major exceptions Space Wolves, Black
White Scars.

But within the individual chapters there is very little difference
the various companies as they all follow a set pattern, Battle, assault,
tactical, Devastator, vehicle, Scout.

This is just my opinion feel free to comment, agree disagree.


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