[Epic] Advice: Eldar vs. Imperial players.

From: Jon Nielsen <jon_at_...>
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 00:34:56 +0100

Just got back from playing a 2500 pt. battle, my I.G. vs.
Space Marines. Talk about cheese!!!
I had made a fairly well-balanced army with a good deal of
different tanks (unfortunatly with too few troops as I found out)
but my opponents force was almost entierely made up of:
6 Thunder Hawks
30 mixed bikes
10 Vindicators and (surprise, surprise)
20 Land Raiders....
sob.. those LR's realy are too cheap.

I lost... Damn LR's.
A few words of advice when playng agains Marines
(and also Imp. forces i general):

LR's are just too tough. Shoot the hell out of them. Those BM's
greatly reduce the number of shots the can get off.

If your opponent uses I.G. war engines, wack 'em. Use AT if you can.
If you can bring down a couple of them each turn, those 6 extra
points of morale you get each turn realy makes the difference
(somehow they always manage to blow up rather than just
being wreked!) This is why I lost yhis battle.

Be sure to have a lot of interceptors so you can get those
pesky T.Hawks. Bombers also work fine, as T.Hawks have
the worst intercept value in the game. Flak is crap. I'ts never
in range, unless you buy a wery large amount.

Advice for Eldar players: (Hi Colen...)

Use Eldar war-engines. They pop up from behind cover after (!!!) the
L.Raiders are done shooting.

Use disrupt weapons like the Cobra and the Wave Serpent
in large numbers. If a detachment of LR's sudently has
7-8 BM's on them, it greatly reduces their FP.

Eldar Titans are the best of the lot. That 2+ save works
wonders! An upgrade to Watlock titan is most often points
out the window.

Eldar flak is the only flak that is not crap. You get AT
shots at the T.Hawks!

Q: Since you have to a roll vs. armour twice on flyers (one
to score a hit, the other to see if it's damaged or dead), what do
you do with AT flak? Do you roll 4+ twice, or 4+ then 6+ or
6+, then 4+ (here: the T.Hawk).???

Now it's back to my Eldar children. Damn those I.G.
I'll never play anything except Eldar againt.

Long live the Eldar! <:-)

Thank you for your time.

This is Lameth, The Dark Messiah, signing off
Received on Tue Nov 04 1997 - 23:34:56 UTC

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