[Epic] The Force Sombre in SM/TL

From: Francois Bruntz <Francois.Bruntz_at_...>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 22:04:46 +0100


I'm currently working on the SM/TL rules for the Force Sombre. The members
of the Force Sombre are standard Space Marines (no special/cheesy rules!)
but I want to create special army cards for them :

Force Sombre Company
        3 detachments (4 tactical stands, 2 Rhinos)
        1 Command Unit (Inquisitor, 1 Rhino)

Break Point : 10
Moral : 2
Victory Points : ?
Cost : ?

My problem concerns the value of this card, could someone helps me to find

This is the background of the Force Sombre in order to help you to
understand the composition of the Force Sombre Company.
For more information, check my Iron Wolves page at

The Force Sombre
    The Iron Wolves Chapter had many glorious victories and some bitter
defeats during its long history but its real shame are the Loups Sombres.
The Loups Sombres are a Chaos Space Marines band created when Bargor the
Hunter, an Iron Guard, betrayed the Imperium, this was the Tanysia II
campaign. During this campaign a whole Iron Wolf company had been corrupted
by the Chaos. This betrayal left its impression on the Chapter (almost as
much as Raxar Steel Fang's death) and it was decided to create a special
force in order to avenge the affront : the Force Sombre was born.
    The initial objective of the Force Sombre was to track down the Loups
Sombres and to exterminate them but with the passing of the years, its role
evolved and it became an elite force specialised in the operations of the
last chance.
    Members of the Force Sombre are chosen among the most fearless Iron
Wolves, they know that their role will often to sacrifice themselves in
order to give victory to their brothers of battle. Thu, the Force Sombre is
often the unit which will open a way through the ennemy defences or which
will launch a suicide assault against the ennemy HQ...
    Force Sombre's Iron Wolves paint their armor in Dark Blue and it is
said that they fight with the same wildness than the Loups Sombres. For
this reason, there are always an Inquisitor and some Chaplains to lead
them, the Chapter doesn't want any more betrayal.

Fran�ois Bruntz
Apprenti MIAGE (Universit� Paris XII/IBM France)

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