[Epic] Painting Ork Detachments

From: Los <los_at_...>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 15:26:30 -0800

Hey guys,

When I first picked up the E40k boxed set, I figured I'd paint the Ork
army just so I could get a feel for painting Epic stuff. What I wasn't
sure of is whether I was supposed to paint all the differnt units as if
they were from differnt mobz. instead what I did was paint pretty much
all my orks as if the were Goffs (Black and red motif). Everyone got
this basic paint job, even the Nobz, Shooty Boyz, Tanks, blah blah. Was
this just the mark of a newbie or do others do this. Since I play
tyranids and marines (building an IG army now), I don't really mess with
Orks that much though when I put in an order for other stuff, I'll
ususally get something orkish (flak waggons, fighta bommers, etc) to
slowly round out this force.

Received on Thu Feb 26 1998 - 23:26:30 UTC

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