Re: [Epic] land raider firepower [E40K]

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 21:19:47 -0500

At 07:37 PM 4/9/97 +0100, you wrote:

>On the one hand, waiting until a SHW-only detachment gets 5 blast
>markers before they suffer any real penalty to shooting does not sound
>at all right.

Where is this "magic 5" blast marker rule. The only thing I have found is
in th firefight rules, and it seems that it woudl be clear as to how those
affectes vehicles with SHWs. Aside from the fact that 5 blast markers maxes
out the leadership roll (unless you have a big detachment, in which case it
is 6) I can't find any thing else to indicate that 5 is a magic number.
Could someone enlighten me?

Received on Fri Apr 11 1997 - 02:19:47 UTC

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