[Epic] fate cards

From: rob <Astynax_at_...>
Date: Sun, 11 May 1997 22:07:17 -0700

hi i just finished my first e40k gameand wanted to ask a few questions.
space marines vs orks

i was actually quite disapointed as the whole game (skirmish is
probably more accurate, 500 apeice, take and hold) turned on a fate
card. basically he played the forced march card during the assault phase
and was able to move his detachment some incredibloe distance basically
surrounding me. the damn battle wagons were what really killed me
because with the damn70 cm move! (25 +10 x2=70) he was able to get a
lousy 2 wagons behind me and when i lost the combat and tried to retreat
i was wiped out.

this brought up two things for me. one was the game turning on a card.
as a rant i would like to say this seems typical of gw. they always seem
to have at least one TOTAL LUCK card in their games. i play alot of wfb
and the total power card is a classic example. they always seem to
combine it with at least one cheesy,"everything dies" card like arzipals
dark horror, anyway..... i felt really cheated and except for learning
the rules better i was totally disappointed.
also the fact that i lost a 3 hundred pointr detachment (6 assualt
units,3 land speeders and 3 rhinos) because there were 2! units (out of
a detachment of probably 30 units behind me.

i wonder if anyone else has had a similiar expierienc. i need to play
alot more but that retreat rule really bugs me.
the cards really bug me too. the dice add enough of an element of chance
to the game without adding even more. i don't even think forced march is
that strong, its more situational, but "brilliant strategy" is a
game breaker, and "curses foiled again" also seems unnaturally strong.

why the luck crap? i actually like the original ideas of the cards,
allowing a couple of rerolls a game to help even out the luck but why
bother with the bigger ones?
oh well..

one other thing,
i only played a few 2nded games but they seemed alot more intuitive and
easier to play. (i guess i never played against all the rule breakers
:)) i think you can move WAY too far and the risks dont outway the
gains. anyway probably abit premature with only one game under my belt!
Received on Mon May 12 1997 - 05:07:17 UTC

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