Re: [NetEpic ML] The Advance Issue

From: Kelvin <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 15:44:22 +1000

Hi Warprat.

>A) Let units, not pinned, fire in the Advance Phase, whether they were
>attacked or not.

Hey, if these are HOUSE RULES you play with, go ahead. I play the other
way and don't find the book keeping difficult at all. Never had arguements
about it. As long as we don't change the main rules. I like the way it
plays currently.

>B) Change the Shokk Attack gun to fire in the Close Combat Phase.

Again, as long as you use these as HOUSE RULES. To change the Shokks to
Close Combat fire reduces their effectiveness a GREAT deal. Half their use
is to stop units from First Firing. If you then force them to fire on in
Close Combat and THEN allow surviving Advance firers to fire, the Shokks
become next-to-useless. They NEED to fire in the First Fire phase
otherwise they get splashed too easily. As long as they stay the same in
the main rules, use whatever you like as a House Rule.


         "Of course I'm paranoid!
       Everyone's trying to kill me."
Received on Thu Jun 15 2000 - 05:44:22 UTC

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