Re: [NetEpic ML] unballanced armies

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 09:28:08 -0400


I never understood why some players refuse to play certain armies. In
the case of tyranids its a latecomer so I can see it there, but squats?
The squat and ork book was the second one to come out, even before eldar
and chaos, not much reasoning there. Perhaps because they are perceived
as difficult to face and defeat? They are pretty simple to defeat if you
know how.

The basic strategy is to get to them fast. They have no choice as to
shoot you they are too few to squander themselves in assaults. Dont
enter a firefight with them, few armies can hold their own against them
this way. Use fast transport units in the form of fliers or tunnelers
and attack them in the first turn. This disrupts them and keeps them
from firing at your general advance. Use a titan or two and engage their
praetorians in close combat, it takes away their support fire, leaving
the rest of their army open to your support fire. Take all the
objectives they cant and contest the ones they have, the more you deny
them the longer the game goes that goes against the squats, they like
quick victories. Start small, even their support cards yeilds lots of
victory points due to high break points, go for those first. After you
get those points and most of the objectives you may find you have won
the game, if not single out ONE company card and hit it until it breaks,
a good choice is the bike company. Avoid the brotherhood companies,
since their high break points make it difficult.


eivind.borgeteien_at_... wrote:

> Hi!
> Someone here had a mail where he complaianed about his opponents not wanting to play up against his squat army.
> I think this is very sad, if you cant play against the squats who can you play against? Not IG as their firepower is stronger and BP in numbers are almost equal, not SM as their CAF is higher, not orks as their number is bigger, not eldar as their weapons are stronger (and cheesy would some say, not me though)
> So, what is your oponents main grudge against these fellows?
> I cant give you a "how to beat the stunties" but having played them a while I can point out what I think is difficult with fielding them. (I have lost more battles than I have won using them!)
> They have no infantry with good CAF. +2 at most, they have some +6 but only one pr detachment, so almost every army can beat you in CC. If you want to beat your opponent in CC you have to swarm him, which leads to my other point.
> Few in numbers. This might sound odd as the companies are quite large. But because of the low CAF you have to committ at least 2/3 of a company to gain controll of an OP. As the companies are quite expencive I never controll more than 3 in a 3k game.
> Bad movability. None of the companies have transports, but have to buy them seperatly. If you do this your oponent can consetrate his fire on the transports, taking out 2 gives him one easy 1 VP. They do have termites that can take them almost anywhere, but they risk comming great out of course!
> The third thing I really miss about the squats are the large armourformations of the IG and SM. Squats can field tanks, but only in units of 3, which is to give away VPs.
> My group (or everyone except the IG player) has gone tired of the housewrecking of netepic. Because of that we have made the houses (not the ruins) twice as strong as the original netepic rules, meaning that our buildings have 4 hits. Weapons that affect buildings gives one hit, weapons that destroys buildings gives only two but ignores cover to hit.
> You might suggest trying this rule to your opponents. In a 3k game I destroy 1-2 buildings as opposed to 4-6.
> Hope this is going to be of some help...
> Eivind
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