[Epic] More painting of small details

From: Bayani R Caes <bayanic_at_...>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 14:52:44 +0100

> One thing I have found useful is micro armour decals and a series of
> ancient (greek, roman etc) shield decals from a company called
> "veni,vidi,vici". These are for 15mm figs but some of the decals are
> rally tiny. You also get a lot so if you screw em up just try agian.

For those of you looking for decorations on smooth, open surfaces (like
titan legs or carapaces), try this: find a friend who knows Japanese and
ask him/her if he has a kanji book, or try your local library's foreign
language section. Kanji are the characters that the Japanese language
borrowed from Chinese, so if you don't have any Japanese-speaking
friends, a Chinese-speaking friend will also do the job.

Suggested characters that are kinda cool and not hideously difficult to
paint include: numbers, "strength," "wind," "mountain," "king/ruler,"
"metal/gold," "storm/tempest," "sword," "fire," "sun," "moon," "star,"
and "earth."

And Greek letters work fine too, especially if you're in a
fraternity/sorority. (They're also noticeably easier to paint.)

> The stars, german white crosses, numbers and tactical symbols all fit
> on a Space marine shoulder pad.

Of course, I wouldn't recommend it for space marine shoulder pads. 40K,
yes; E40K, no. :)

Just my two cents -BC
Received on Mon Aug 11 1997 - 13:52:44 UTC

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