one turn victory (was: [Epic] Epic 40K card?)

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 08:48:27 -0600

At 10:00 AM 3/25/97 +0000, you wrote:

>I had a Warlord Titan Battlegroup armed with 2x barrage missiles, a quake
>cannon and a plasma cannon each.
>2x Knight Paladin Companies
>2x Barons
>4x Sentinels
>4x Tarantulas
>3x (IG) Bikes
>He had
>Keeper Of Secrets
>Reaver Titan
>Slaneesh Knights
>Space Marine Legion
>some other stuff I can't remember...
>On turn one my knights, sentinels and one titan advanced. The tarantulas
>FF'ed (der...) and the bikes charged.

I assume from your description that you moved first. It sounds to me like
the guy screwed up. He should have thawked the titan on advance. With one
of the "halves opponents close combat" cards he would have won. With ten
cards he should have had one, or at least a "growth" to double caf of one
model. That would have at least seriously damaged a titan, and the titan
would have to be within 25 cm of the others for coherency, which means he
could have still nuked another one with the Tzeench power. That's 2 titans
that would never have fired, and 10 (or is it 16) VPs.

>That gave me lots of stuff advancing 20-25cm to take the objectives on my
>side of the table.

That's 4. Most of which I will grant he probably couldn't have challnneged
you on.

> The bikes took one objective in the middle of the board
>in a large forest (chaos just didn't have a unit that could reach in it one

Well, now that wasn't bright. He knew you had fast stuff, why didn't he
send some loaded rhinos after it? Or a titan on charge? Or the knights?

>The other two squads of bikes moved toward another another objective
>that was about 70 cm from my deployment line and were always likely to be
>the closest units in the end phase as one of the titans had a good line of
>sight to this objective and was going to sweep the place with two barrage
>missiles with a company of Paladins to mop up if necessary... (It wasn't -
>I got that objective unoposed.)

That's what greater demons are for. Was that the titan on advance? Was it
the one next to it, that could have been nuked w/ the Thousand sons?
Apparently this was a killing zone, why didnt' he have something set up to
hose it, like 10 shots from the cultists? How about using a TK card to move
the bloodthirster in to hth w/ the bikes (winning and forcing morale
checks)? Did he have no cards to force morale checks? With the GD and a
card or two there was a fair chance you would have routed.

>The thunderhawk dumped some marines near my titans and use the magic of
>tzeench to blast one of the titans (blew an arm off, but didn't kill it...)

See above.

>My oponent counted his breakages, but I think they were the marines, the
>minotaurs, the slaneesh knights, the reaver and the thunderhawk.

Okay, why did his doomwings not hose the tarantulas? They are fast enough
to cross the board and be out of the tarantulas' field of fire, while still
being able to hose them. What was his reaver doing? I have a slaanesh
reaver with a chaos whip, a chainfist, and a vulcan mega bolter that can
secure an objective like no one's business. On top of that, with a 40cm
charge, it can reach the mid-board on turn one. That could have contested
one of the midboard objectives. The Keeper of Secrets can move 20 and shoot
25 without needing line of sight. Did he not have a good target? Why not?
That's past the midboard.

>In my gaming group we play fairly hard. At the local gaming club my wife is
>considered "an agressive general" (while we think she is a wimp) - I expect
>that the rest of us are probably described as "rabid"!

Is there any other way to play? Always go for the kill.

It's hard to say without seeing the board, but it really sounds like the guy
used a horrible deployment.

Received on Thu Mar 27 1997 - 14:48:27 UTC

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