[NetEpic ML] Titan Close Combat

From: Warprat <warprat_at_...>
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 01:06:40 -0700

Hi All!

There are a few problems with the Titan Defense System:
1) Titans can no longer attack infantry and normal vehicles with thier
CAF, as they did in the original Games Workshop rules.
2) Infantry and vehicles can hurt titans with just a unit or two. In
the past, this could very, very rarely happen.
3) Cheap units, like Beastmen and Jet bikes, can act like mini warp
missiles. A one in six chance to penetrate the titans defenses, with a
50% chance of damage. On the average, that equates to 12 Beastmen, or

If you can get the Jetbikes to a Reavers side armor, for example, you
have a 5 in 6 chance of a reactor hit.

Elite units, like SM Vets, have a 1 in 6 chance to do damage.

Against large swarms of infantry, the titan defense system mostly works
as designed. Against small groups of infantry/vehicles, it doesn't work
very well at all.

4) The Titan Defense System does not fit seamlessly into the Close
Combat system. How do you combine the CAF of a titan, and the

Warprat's Proposed Titan Combat Rules:

Because of the Titan Defense System, (Electrohull, spikes, Gretchin with
and without StikkBombs, bolters, poison, flame, cold, sonics, bodily
fluids , flatulence, etc...) infantry and normal vehicles are less
effective in Close Combat against titans.

1) Determine which units will be in combat with the titan.

2) Count up all the infantry/normal vehicles to attack the titan.
Resolve this as ONE attack.

A) Select one of the units to lead the coordinated combat against the
titan. This unit will use it's full CAF.

B) All the other infantry/vehicles add +1 to the Close Combat Roll.

C) After the close combat is resolved, all infantry/normal vehicles are

Example: 10 Beastmen and a Terminator are attacked by a Gargant.
Close Combat roll would be: 2d6 +16.

D) Ground troops attack legs, skimmers and jumps get thier choice.

E) If the titan loses the roll, it takes a hit, in a location of the
opponents choosing.

4) Attacks in the same round, with additional Super Heavies and up,
resolve Close Combat as normal. Add 1d6 as normal, for each additional
Super and up.

The close combat by the infantry/normal vehicles adds nothing to the
Supers roll. The Supers add nothing to the infantry/normal vehicle

5) Each sucessfull Close Combat roll against a titan, causes a hit, that
is resolved immediatly, before further combat is resolved. Succesive
damage rolls in the same location are cumulative, within the Close
Combat Phase.

6) Supers and Knights are destoyed, if they lose. Titans and
Preatorians take a hit.

7) The order of combat is chosen by the player with the most units.

What does everyone else think?

Warprat ;)

Peter Ramos wrote:
> Hi!
> Please do, I remember we did discuss them and some ideas we thrown around,
> but we lost track.
> Thanks!
> Peter

> > Hi Peter!
> >
> > Actually, I did suggest a couple of changes. I even thought they
> > pretty good. I'll repost them, if you want.
> >
> >
> > > Warprat
> >
> >
Received on Wed Apr 12 2000 - 08:06:40 UTC

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