Re: [NetEpic ML] Slann, the proof is in the math

From: dardman <dardman_at_...>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 15:28:20 -0400

I agree that the points were off but you can't raise them too much. Look at
other races as well. The Squats do benefit from the underpriced points but
give it up for VPs. The Eldar Wind Host is a steal at 650 pts and if you
point them out there is a deficit of 450 points. I did some point checks on
other units of other races and found them underpriced but only by 10-20% and
in most cases the cost were right on. Whereas the Slann are underpriced by
20-40% (avg around 25%). But the Slann have been beaten 3 times that I know
of in our group, although we do play house rules that split armies half
infantry, walker, cavalry and the other half vehicles, super-heavies, etc...
So my suggestion is go a little at first. If they were 50 off up them 25 if
they were 75 to 100 off up them 50 and if they were off by more than 100 go
with the exact amount off. I have found it is easier to add than take away.
wait till you see the dark Eldar. I have already raised their points for
some of the squads.

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Received on Wed Apr 26 2000 - 19:28:20 UTC

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