Alternatives 2 and 3 sum a total of 76% a clear 3/4 majority (minimum (2/3).
Between 2 and 3 Darius's rule alternative has the clear majority vote.
Note that the original rules will still be available in the optional section
of the rules.
Thanks for the participation!
> The following netepic poll is now closed. Here are the
> final results:
> POLL QUESTION: Members will decide on titan close
> combat rules. Alterantives 2 and 3 and
> 4 outweigh alternative number one for
> majority vote.
> - Keep the cuurent rules (titan defense system), 5 votes, 23.81%
> - Warprat's rules of combining models CAF (please see summary post), 4
votes, 19.05%
> - Darius rule, combined titan defense standard rule (please refer to
summary post), 12 votes, 57.14%
> - Ed's rule, modified titan defense rule (please refer to summary post), 0
votes, 0.00%
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> http://www.egroups.com/group/netepic
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Received on Thu Apr 27 2000 - 01:12:01 UTC